

Finding Peace in A Broken World

In the midst of all that takes place in this fallen world, in our lives, there is only One who can give peace.

Is. 9:6

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;

And the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called:

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
As we are approaching Monday morning and it is time to have faith in God and the protection of our children. I'm writing this blog to encourage you to have faith.

This weekend I came across this picture and it struck me on what an amazing creator we have.
It was one those pictures that I instantly thought Oh Wow God!
I was also all weekend purposely filling my hurt with good things because I needed it after the gut wrenching news that we all received on Friday. Times like this will leave us speechless. I'm sure all of you know I'm talking about the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut.
It was one of those moments where you knew exactly what you were doing when you found out about the horrible ugly speechless act that was done to incident children and ones that loved children. It reminded me of 9/11. And for most all of us, that still have children in school age children they were all still in school. I was like most of you parents. I wanted to jump in car and gather them up and hold them tight and tell them how much I loved them.
But this is how we dealt with it at our household this weekend.
First Felicia came home and I asked did you hear what happened? She said yes and we talked about in a more adult level. She is senior and was not very interested in talking about it in details. So I let it be. Next my 13 year old middle school son named Quinton came home. I asked for a hug and he said I know why your hugging me so much. Why? Heard bout the stupid shooting on the bus radio. So we talk for what seemed to me like only one minute and he was on with his life. Of all days my baby still in elementary. Sydni age 10 in 5th grade was going home with a friend overnight.
So what I did is call the school first and ask if they told the kids. They said no so I called the parent to where she was going and asked how they handle these kind of things at their household. Also asked her to not watch the news in front of me daughter and to be honest to them if she asked questions.
Was so happy for her return back home on Saturday and she started telling me what she knew and could tell it wasn't much.
I told her how our school is a safe environment and how this is not a normal everyday happening and comforted her how she will be safe. She asked questions like how did the killer get in the school and how come he was so mad. I answered the best I knew how without ugly details. I asked family members this weekend to not talk about it in front of our children and we kept the news off when they were watching. I do not feel it is necessary to fill their minds with the repeat reports and ugliness of this horrific thing that has happened.
 Some of you know I'm not a big fan of TV. Was surprised how I was tempted to turn on the news at night to see what was going on. Till I came back to my senses to making smart choices and for the past 24 hrs have chosen not to turn it on. It helps me to feed my soul with positive thoughts.
Feel so much stronger about releasing our children to the school and for the Lord to protect them tomorrow as they go back to school. Been praying all weekend for all our leaders in our schools that they will feel strong and confident and will have good answers as the children ask questions all over America tomorrow. Also text ed some of my friends that are teachers or are in the system that I'm praying for them and encouraging them to be strong.
Seems there is allot of sorrow and losses going on in my circle of friends at this time. A dear friend lost her sister very suddenly to a illness like overnight. She was loved by allot of children because she took care of allot kids at Beuhlers Childcare center as their Mommies shopped. One of the posts I seen is that Heaven must of needed her to welcome all these sweet children as they entered. It gave me goosebumps as I read the post.
Another very uplifting thing that happened today is the church we attend between the 3 campuses 110 people got baptized. Wow! that's unheard of! At our campus in Millersburg there were 17. The moving thing for me was being backstage and helping these people and having Only God moments. Think He knew that's what I needed today:)
Then we finished the day with my family Christmas at Dad and Mom's house. All weekend I squeezed loved ones a little tighter and said I Love You a little more. 
I'm writing this blog to motivate you to support,pray and encourage your local students, school leaders, and teachers as the go back this Monday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Lena for the encouragement even if I am not a parent.

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