

Living In Amish Country

Sammy that I met at the Butcher Shop this winter is my all time favorite pictures I ever took of the Amish.
When I'm out and about and running my errands. I will sometimes just turn down a little road to capture moments like these of school kids walking home from school. If my kids are with me they will squeal "Mom stop it!" Have to say they are pretty good sports with my random stops for captures. Usually with the rolling of the eye but my youngest also has a passion for capturing pictures. So some days we just go driving around to see what we can find.

We have some great thrift stores in Holmes County.
I enjoy cooking and canning. Plus we have great access to wholesome local food and produce.
In the winter our local grocery stores and markets do a great job at bringing in the fresh veggies and fruit.
In the summer time you will find colorful farmers markets all over Holmes County Amish Country.
If you see little homemade signs like these beside the road please do follow.
I personally can 7 bushels of apples every year. My family eats apple sauce with every meal except breakfest. Well sometimes then that too. When I make sausage gravy and biscuits:)
I teach canning classes at a local store in the summer time.
Truely enjoy share with others what my mom taught me. 

This picture was taken at my future sister n laws Birthday party. They are her twin nephews.

This is what a Amish cemetary looks like. its usually on a hill with with fence around it. The buraul is done the the day of the funeral by family and friends. While songs are sang.

I have been blessed with many Amish and Mennanite friends. Love the great recipes they share with me. Also cherish the trust in our friendships.
Another blessing it is to live in Amish Country is the great antique shops we have from the easern part of the county to the western part.
I myself love adding the shabby chic and vintage look to my whimsical style of decorating so that is a plus to be able to browse local for antiques at a great price.
This is some of my family. My parents and one sister are still Amish. Then have a sister and a brother that don't live that life style, same as me.
We also have great winerys.
I love entertaining!
This community truely has so much to offer for us that live here but also for those that visit.
You might find a Fresh Eggs For Sale sign to the quality local furniture. Such a wide range of quality wholesome food and products.
Like this one. Lena's Amish Granola their products are truely made by hand.
As you can see. The amish have a great driven hard work ethic that truely is ammendable in this day and age.
Love rustic pictures with color that pops. This was shot in one of my dads old barns.
The local bulk food stores are amazing also. You can buy your spices at a fraction of the cost.
This was a rear picture I shot thee other day. There are very few working phone booths that are still used. The Amish have little Phone houses at thee end of their lanes or some even closer to their houses.
There is so much beauty in these rolling hills of Holmes County. That we truely live in Amish Paradise.

All four seasons are beautiful but I do believe the spring time is my favorite. With the blooms and the promise of new life that comes with that.

Our local Amish made furniture and quality and  
beauty that you can find at the local furniture stores is also a gem.
The Amish use buggies, bikes, tractors and drivers for their transportation.
In the little village of Maysville is one of the few places you will see them on the scooter bikes. How ever the teenagers ride the four wheelers and the motorized scooters to go to their friends house on the weekends.
Hope you enjoyed your drive with me in Amish Paradise.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't know the Amish in Maysville have scooters as transportation. But I shouldn't be surprised either as it is a very common mode of transportation in Lancaster County.

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