The last two days my company Lena's Amish Granola did demo's at Beuhler's in Dover and New Philly. It was to let everyone taste our good chewy GoGo Granola Bars and make them aware of both stores carrying our products. They loved them! I had so fun meeting all kinds of people in all walks of life. We had to take a online course on food safety and rules. One of them was I had to wear a hair net or a hat. I chose the hat. Also we were not allowed to get our phones out. The reason I share this with you is that I so bad wanted to snap some colorful pictures of people. So I will see if I can give you the visual without you seeing the actual picture.
What is up with to short pant legs? Also white socks with black shoes?
It was a fidget cold day on Friday when I went to New Philly Beuhlers to set up. They were so helpful getting me a perfect spot to set up. It was up front by the register checkout line.
Me rocking the hat. Not!
I soon realized after observing the carts that there was a big produce sale. 75% of the carts had strawberries in their cart. Lots of 10 potatoes and spaghetti sauce went out the front door of Beuhler's these last two days. On Friday forenoon all the old people were out. They liked my Apple Cinnamon GoGo Bars the best. Around noon the mothers started coming in with children. Their favorite were the Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter. They liked the fact that their kids loved my Granola bars and that they are soft.
Being right by the checkout I seen the ones that had patience to wait and those that didn't and mumbled to their partner or me about it. Met some of the most adorable seniors. So sweet and loved to tell you stories. Some people you would have thought I was offering them rat food others just kindly said no thanks.
If I got them to taste it they loved them and would buy. Some people when they walk up to you they bring sunshine with them. I watched peoples carts with purses still in them as they ran to the forgotten item.
There was this cute very short lady that had one of those hats on that little kids wear with long stings hanging down. She was the jolly est lady of the day. Another lady proceeded to tell me all about her husband. In more details that I cared to know about. Promised I'd pray for him.
The favorite outfit of the day was a 65 year old gramps sporting a long fur coat such as this. He had Harry Potter glasses with his orange shades pushed up on his head. I Loved the look!
Also noticed the general grocery shopper had notes to follow. I loved all the cute seniors with their cute hats on.
I didn't see one person I knew on Friday.
I picked up some groceries for our family afterwards.
Including my daughters favorite ice cream. To celebrate a accomplishing a task that took extra courage and strength.
Then I went home and made our dinner. Relaxed and was ready for another day of meeting the grocery shoppers on Saturday.
This morning as I was driving on the snow covered roads to Dover, I felt lucky to have captured this shot of an Amish buggy with the Amish Flee Market and windmill in back ground.
Dover Beuhler's helped me setup in the back of store by the Coffee. It was a great fit also. They were so kind to help me get all setup too.
Soon notice this was a younger crowd they were hungry and wanted to taste test. Some were whole families as they lingered others were on a mission to get in and out asap. Where I was set up they asked me where their items were that they couldn't find. Had to chuckle how some people once again light up the room while others darkened it.
In general the 55 and up crowd will watch the Super Bowl tomorrow at home with no one but their partner. The young ones almost all had plans or were still waiting for an invite.
Met this perfect all American Grandparents shopping with their daughter and grand kids and they told me they have 3 married kids and 8 grand kids that they get to see everyday and they all live close by their home. This was a family tradition that they go grocery shop together every Saturday with who ever can come. As the grandpa pushed the car grocery cart the 3 year old would say "whoa!" He would stop and she'd get out and get her graham teddy bears. Just seen and felt the love of the family. There were others that I didn't sense that.;)
Was appalled be how many men weren't allowed to taste my yummy treats cause the wife's body language told them not to. That usually ranted in the 55 and older age.
Also a lady stopped by and asked me advice on the ups and downs of starting your own business. One of the things I told her is do something everyday towards following your dream and don't just think about it.
My highlight of the day was when my friend Linda stopped by to see me. She lives in Dover and rarely get to see her.
There were allot of single athletic people that loved my GoGo Bars and bought them by the handfuls.
After observing the grocery shopper for two days these are general some things I noticed. I feel lucky to have had this experience. It made me aware how we carry a light or darkness with us and it inspired me to shine my light no matter where I go. To dump my issues in the dumpster before I leave my driveway or I might unload them on others.
We as Americans are blessed with so much!
I love this post with all your observations and experiences of those days.
Love your take on people :) you are very observant and "see" the people. Sounds like a fun part of your job... Hope business is well.
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