

The Love That Was Showed Through A Pyrex Bowl

You never know when you cross paths with others how it might affect your life in the future. Last week, Syd and I headed out to meet with a mother and daughter I'd met while doing a cooking show at Walnut Creek Cheese last summer. Kim reads my blogs and stays connected through Instagram.
On our way to meet them, I snapped this picture of a quaint house I'll someday have the nerve to sneak into and explore.
Were we in for a treat during the couple of hours we spent with Kim and her mother Pat. Sweet southern women at their finest!
They brought me a basket filled with goodies. In it was this teal Pyrex bowl. With that bowl, my Pyrex set was made complete! I was so moved by her observance on my social media, where I wrote how I still needed this one to complete my collection, I started crying. Praise Jesus for all the amazing strangers in this world who are truly caring people! These ladies have hearts of gold.
As we enjoyed our food at Rebecca's Bistro, we talked, laughed and cried with each other like we were old friends,  just picking up where we had left off.
Along our walk to the Antique Mall close by, we had to stop and capture this picture of us with a horse and buggy at the local hitching rail. After all, this is what brought us together in the first place. Pat and Kim come visit Amish Country once a year. This year, they also visited a few new places they've seen in my pictures and posts. These kinds of things are priceless to a blogger! You realize people really do read what you post!
We lingered through the mall and got to know each other a little better through our conversations over collectibles, sharing stories and memories relating to the treasures.
I snagged this vintage light and jazzed it up with a vibrant baby blue paint. It will soon find a home with a customer at the new store, Vintage Glam, which is coming soon to downtown Berlin. 
Here, Syd was being goofy modeling some wooden shoes she begged me to buy. Might have to go back and get them for her. She has always wanted a pair.
We said our goodbyes, knowing we would meet again. I felt so blessed with this new friendship and the kindness they showed that Syd and I went home, picked fresh flowers and delivered them to the Inn at Honey Run where these lovely ladies were staying. I got a call later telling us what a nice surprise it was to return to after wandering lost in the abundance of hills that fill our county.
It doesn't take much to make a difference in others' lives. All we have to do is listen and observe (preaching to myself here). This inspired me to take time and realize that it really matters how you treat strangers. They might become great friends!
This Pyrex bowl set has more then one story to tell. The big yellow one came from my best friend who had two of them and gave one to me. As I look at this display in our kitchen, it reminds me that I am loved.

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