Today, I woke up with the sun on my face and decided it was time to inspire my soul and take a drive for some photo therapy.
I had no idea where I was heading, but I knew I'd want to find a back road.
At the last minute, I called my sweet friend Missy who exclaimed, "I'd love to go!"
Within the hour, I met up with her and her cute little sidekick, Willow...
...she asked "Where do you want to go"? I said " I have no idea. Lets go down this little road and head south."
We knew it would bring us out close to Roscoe Village.
She'd drive and I'd say, "STOP! STOP! Back up a little!" She's been my partner in this kind of adventure before.
I adored these cute kitties as they watched us drive by...
... this adorable deserted-cottage-style old house.
This little old barn is something I would have loved to have peeked into to see what kind of treasures were within.
The longhorn cows posed like champs!
Spring mountain has so many old houses and barns along the way.
This is Missy's dream house.
This old bus was in the woods, holding it's beauty in it's own way.
This spring house was unique too.
When we got to Roscoe Village, we had such a pleasant surprise.
It was the Apple Butter Stirring Festival.
This handsome guy was quite pleased with the treat I shared with him. He said "That was by far the best granola bar I've ever had!"
These Amish men were busy stirring the apple butter...
...and the southern men were busy serving craw daddies and bar-b-cue.
It was a kiss from God that He led our thoughts to head this direction.
So many cool craftsman and gifted people shared their work for us to enjoy.
This little village has some amazing historical houses and buildings.
Many vendors were dressed in pioneer clothing.
Missy almost bought another Sisters Sediments house.
The stage had a cute grandpa playing some hokie-pokie music.
We couldn't have hit a better jack-pot at the end of our drive. The weather was perfect. Little miss Willow was content. We felt blessed with this day!
As we headed back to the little village of Clark where we met, we passed local artist Rusty Baker's painted barn.
There is so much beauty in the eye of the beholder.
If you have time this weekend, take a drive and enjoy all the color that God is giving us to enjoy.
Or, if you aren't having fall in your part of the country...
...I'm hoping you enjoyed going along for the ride.
What made this day even more special is that we have a harvest full moon tonight. This is taken in our backyard and you can see the moon rising in the trees.
Take time to inspire your soul, whether it's from the view in your backyard or just down a little dirt road.
Bloom where you're planted!
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