

German Village Garage Sales with My Girls

The German Village garage sales in Columbus are one of my favorite events to attend each summer.
 I love strolling the brick streets and looking for deals among all of the inspiring houses that are decked out with window boxes filled to the brim with colorful flowers.

If I had to pick one vendor that was my favorite, it would be this one. His shop was loaded with antiques. I don't think I ever seen such a large display of working vintage fans.

We bought an industrial clothes rack from him for Felicia. I'm hoping it stays behind when the day comes for her to fly the coop.

As we walked around the park, I captured a shot of this squirrel sitting in the tree watching all of us crazy shoppers hustle by.

We found so many fun treasures along the way, like these people... 

and these golf balls, and this shiny silver. We were so thankful for our little carts which helped lighten the load.

Syd was in her glory with the dogs that were lounging around and scampering about everywhere. 
I was more excited for the silver. 

After a cold day of garage sailing, we stopped for a break at the Brown Bag for a delicious lunch.

We split a couple of burritos that were smashing delicious!

I'm still thinking about this quaint little table that, sadly, didn't make it home with me.

However, I was pretty happy with the treasures...

...that did make it back home with me. I'm so delighted with this cheery chair I found.

Probably almost as happy as the girls were to find these free homemade muffins and cupcakes.
I was thrilled with the mimosa I was served. Can garage sailing get any better than that!?

The day was filled with all kinds of unexpected happenings. Here, we helped capture a mother duck and her ducklings to shuttle them to safety.

We took in all the beauty around us and were blessed with one day filled with weather from all four seasons, which is normal for Ohio these days.

But the girls found shelter from the rain. Fee was sporting her new/old leather jacket she snagged along the way.

My little work horses hauled multiple loads to the van.

By two o'clock, we were soaked to the bone from the rain, so we called it a day. But not before I went back to strike a deal on these beauties.

We spent the night with a friend before returning to the country with our treasures.

Unfortunately I never took a picture of our packed van. 
As you can see, though, Syd had to create a makeshift seat in the front for the trip back home.

Without a doubt, it was a fun and amazing trip. I'm thoroughly enjoying this season of my life as the girls and I take more adventures together. Right now, they are my best friends.
There are many seasons in life, and I'm blessed to be in this season, enjoying every moment.

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