

A Drive in the Country with Sydni for Some Photo Therapy

Last Saturday evening I grabbed my keys and camera and asked Syd if she'd like to go for a drive with me. The guys were glued to the TV, and Fee was at the movies with a friend. I can always count on Syd to be my side kick on my little adventures. The great thing is she can take the pictures while I drive.

I post many pictures of the lone tree (above) that's close to our house on my Instagram account. It always inspires me, regardless of whether I'm sad, happy, or lonely. It has some good energy that I feed off of.

When we take our little road trips, we usually never have a plan other than meandering down roads we have never experienced before.

One day I'll get a cool shot of this kind of barn with the perfect background of a cow or other creature lined up with the opening. Those are the moments when Syd and I high-five each other. Those are the moments when we're as happy as if we won the lottery.

This cottage house was an awesome find. It was hiding in the back of a field in the middle of nowhere.
I was so intrigued with this homestead. I'd love to meet the people who live here. They must be people with character.

Right now during the late spring season as you drive down these country roads, you can see these vibrant wild flowers everywhere. Be still my happy heart. I love this time of year!

This isn't the best picture, but we caught glimpses of many deer out feeding in the fields. I quickly used my phone camera to capture this lovely creature running through the woods.

Are you enjoying riding in the back seat?

Within six miles of our home, we are surrounded with so much beauty and many old buildings.

We came by these fighter roosters that were absolutely beautiful. I was wondering if that's still legal.

We happened upon this diamond-in-the-rough. One day I will have a big a$$ vintage car as my main mode of transportation.

We stopped on a quiet prairie to capture the stunning sunset.

I could post a dozen pictures of this moment.

God is the most amazing artist of all.

When we returned from our pizza run/photo therapy session, we relaxed on our back porch, enjoying the Pinterest Candle arrangement we made out of wine bottles.
Thanks for going with Syd and me and sitting so quietly in the back seat.
Now please don't be so bashful! Comment below to tell us what your favorite part of the drive was.

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