

Countdown to Lena's Shed Opener Vintage Sale in Amish Country

Yay! Only two more sleeps and it will be HERE! 
This fun event I've been planning for what seems like forever is almost upon us!!

I must confess, I had planned to write blogs every day to keep you up-to-date on the process of getting ready for a big vintage sale such as this. Guess what? By day's end, my tired body just falls into the lavender-scented sheets, and there hasn't been as many hours in the day as I had hoped. As much as you plan for an event like this, it still comes down to the wire on finishing projects and pricing, thanks to normal activities in life, like ball games, business, family gatherings, and you name it.

Last week I did a big project that took me one whole day. I thought I'd bang out this cabinet in the a.m. and do another in the afternoon. Right!!!
Every day my to-do list  had me feeling like I was crawling up a slippery slide slathered with hemp oil!

Okay, I'll quit whining. I was still having fun, even if I felt overwhelmed.

I was very much rewarded with how this cabinet turned out. I picked it up a couple of months ago at The Restore in Wooster.

The ironstone is all washed and still waiting for me to price it.

I've added a couple of nice English soup tureens since this picture. I'm so excited to put together my all-white ironstone display. Here's just a random guess, but I think I might have a couple hundred pieces to sell from my collection.

My talented friend Summer will feature her beautiful fairy gardens. The picture above isn't one of hers. Hers are much nicer than mine!

We will also have window houses for your flowerbeds. Here, Syd is working away on her own project--painting an old bike all one color. I'll be selling my own personal vintage bike, too, complete with a cute basket. It has only been ridden a couple of times.

This chandelier that was featured in Country Living magazine would look cute above a table for outdoor dining.

My shed is being organized, and the tents are going up tonight.
I will also have burlap ruffled tablecloths and curtains.

Of course, I'd love to have a vintage truck like this one as a prop in my front yard for the days of the sale, so if you'd like to surprise me and drive your sweet ride onto my front yard, please feel free.

I have gobs of vintage treasures for everyone. Plus we will have a food truck that serves breakfast and lunch out of a vintage camper!

We will take cash, check, credit cards, and smiles.
Hope to see you Friday, June 20 from 8am to 7pm, and Saturday, June 21 from 8am to 4pm. 
11051 C.R. 329 Shreve, Ohio 44676

I have to tell you, this week has not been such a greased-up slippery slide. I've had amazing help and am so excited for all of you who have let me know you're coming. The sweetest surprise was when my friend Barbara from Venice, Florida texted me and said she'd be able to make it. That was a kiss from God:)
Have to run to make another sheet-music wreath. See you all soon!

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