

Hanging Out With The Cool Grannies At Quailcrest Farms

Yesterday, my friend Summer and I went to a workshop at Quailcrest Farms in Wooster. When she asked me to go, I was like, "Sure!" I know anything I do with her will be fun and inspirational.

If I'm totally honest, when we showed up, and I saw all the cute grannies sitting around the table, I was wondering what I'd gotten myself into. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE grannies. I was just wondering if this was the class for me. But it didn't take long before I realized that, yes, it was the workshop for me. My guess is, the younger generation was just missing out on this fabulous class because they were busy shopping and baking perfect things, when this class would have been much more fulfilling than any of their shenanigans.

These two ladies were the cutest, and I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them as they helped each other make the perfect arrangement of:
English Boxwood
Variegated Boxwood
Precious Pine
White Pine
Frazier Fur
Rose Hips
Bay Leaves

I'm hoping that will be Summer and me someday when we're the age of those women. What I learned in this class was way more than how to perfect an arrangement of evergreens.

It takes all kinds of friends to make a beautiful arrangement in life.

We walked around after class, filling our eyes with the beauty all around us.
I'm not a big poinsettia fan, but this one was truly beautiful.

This HUGE rosemary plant growing through the brick floor of their shop smelled heavenly.

Next, we were off to the Pine Tree Barn with the hope of snagging a table without waiting a half-day to be seated, which can be difficult this time of the year. Yeah, epic fail. Close to a two-hour wait.

 I told Summer, "I'll take you to a place to eat I think you'll like where we won't have to wait so long."
First, we walked around and fussed over the beautiful Christmas décor.

Then we took the back roads to this place to eat, that--well, let's just say it sure was no Pine Tree Barn experience.
The best thing about the drive was the scenery. I adored this little cottage house.

Next, we came back to my house to exchange our gifts. We waited for Syd to get home from school since Summer wanted to make sure she'd be a part of this gift-giving experience. Blesses my heart how they love each other.

Summer is the best gift-giver and wrapper I have ever met. So fun!
Inside joke on the "I have no blue ball."

I made this mini rhubarb cheesecake for us to enjoy. Wasn't as good as it looks. Poor Summer sort of got the raw end of the day as my choices of divine dining weren't meant to be on this day.

One thing I have learned from this dear friend is how to celebrate the Christmas season.
I hope you can see the joy of this season and remind yourself that not everything needs to be done perfectly, but to take time to be with the people you love.

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