

Finding The Perfect Christmas Tree


Today after lunch we were off to find the perfect tree. Am still in aw I got Allen to go with the Steelers and the Browns playing. But after not being successful at getting him away from the Ohio State and Michigan game yesterday. If I'm honest he was probably ready to just not hear me bug him about it. So we jam packed in his little tooter truck. Allen,Sydni and I.
It was a gorgeous day and the buggies were out too.

We just had to go a couple miles down the road off of S.R.514.
This is our friends Jim and Tracey that own this beautiful Tree Farm called Sycamore Hollow Tree Farm. Their address is 7309 T.R. 478 Lakeville,Ohio 44638
Loved this beautiful ball covered in lights.
They have signs to follow down a little dirt road.
They trusted Sydni with the saw and we were off...
Seemed like there were so many to choose from. After not getting a real tree since we have had kids,which makes 17 years. I had no idea what was the perfect tree.
They were kind of like people fat ones skinny ones. Big ones little ones. Full ones some missing a branch.;) Smelly ones some that had no smell. Soft ones and Prickly ones.
Had only a couple requests for our tree that it was about as tall as Allen and as big around as me =). And didn't want prickly one and wanted one that smells good.
And after I had the poor husband down on his knees for the third time all ready to make the cut. We finally found the perfect tree.
He did it!!! No turning back now.
He didn't mess around he grabbed the tree and took a brisk walk to truck and was sure he was hoping to get the second half of the game in.
Oh couldn't wait to see what it will look like in our living room.
As I was walking back to truck,couldn't help but notice this beautiful big mossy oak tree in their front yard.
They treated us with pop corn and hot chocolate.
They have great prices too.
And she was so kind to throw me in a bundle of greens.(sure the friendship had a part of that so don't tell her that posted that)
I picked up the tree holder at a thrift store the other day for $2. then I set it in a burlap coffee bag.
Then set it in this tray I had gotten at the Country Living Fair this summer.
And after stringing 1200 lights and hanging a couple of ornaments.
This is it! Will want to make some stars out of music notes and might add some more lights.
As I sit here tonight being mesmerized by the glow and the ambiance of the slight pine smell.
I am happy to have found the perfect tree. Already before we left to get the tree I whispered in my own ear "no matter what tree you get make it the perfect tree and a memory we will all never forget"
Hope you enjoyed the ride to get the TREE. Ok I;ll admit it is just a little bigger around then me =).


Naomi said...

Enjoyed the Tour :)

Mary said...

The tree is beautiful! I've always thought it would be neat to have a real tree reside in our home over the holidays... I probably couldn't watch it being chopped down though...tree hugger that I am :/

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