

A Fall Foliage Roadtrip In Wayne County And Surrounding Counties

This afternoon, as everyone was taking their Sunday nap, I snuck out to take a drive in the country, determined to stay within a 10 mile radius of our home.
The picture above was taken close to the swamp.
 I LOVED the color of the bridge!

The weathered wood on this old barn was priceless. Yes! I peeked in that hole in the barn door. Wouldn't you?

This is what I captured. Check out those old beams!

These contrasting colors were beautiful.

There was a farmer's market along the way.

I think I took a couple hundred pictures. It was nearly impossible to stop!

I just randomly shared a few of my favorites here for you to enjoy also. If I have time, I'll share more with you this week.

Vintage Glam right there!

I've always wanted one of these old fashioned tire swings in my front yard.

In Loudonville, this beauty of a Corvette matched the tree behind it.

I was almost tempted to sneak, er, I mean steal, one of these gorgeous humungous pumpkins, but I didn't. :-)

Before I knew it, I was in the middle of nowhere with a very empty gas tank. WHOOPS!
I did slide into a station in time to refill! 

This quaint, rusty old bug sits at Troutman's vineyard.

Color was everywhere!

Look at this old spring house in someone's backyard.

The streets of the cozy little town of Loudonville were lined up with piles of leaves.

Oh! If I only had the nerve to take a peek in one of these old buildings!

Poison ivy and the fear of an old gramps with a shotgun kept me where I belonged.

I think this might be where my next door neighbors are moving to.

The colors of the foliage are so vibrant. If this horse could talk, I'm guessing he'd share what he thought of me.

Blue sky... and endless possibilities!

Concluded my drive by swinging past Buckeye Deli for their well-known pizza.
Capease! This day was almost perfect:) All is well with my soul.

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