

My Flowers 2012

I'm going to share some of the flowers from my garden.It's therapy for me. It's been a dry year and has taken allot of watering this year.
This is in back of house. And this elephant ear came up free will from last year. Was a nice surprise. But guess since we had a mild winter.
Its hard to see color on these chicks and hens,but they are purple.
These herbs are wonderful for cooking and canning. And have used many clippings and shared too.
and herbs seem to do better the more you trim them.
Sydni's fairy garden is getting happier every day:)
Every year I like to try some thing new.And this year it was this funky looking spike.
These beetles are destroying them.
Allen and the kids got me this palm for Mothers Day. And its been a great hot summer for it. When I miss Florida I just let my eyes rest on this plant.
So excited that we will soon have tomatoes from my 3 plants I planted in my flower bed. And there are flowers that came up from last year.
This is be our front door. And seems I chose the right thing this year cause it gets full sun and gets very dry. I will give all the glory to God and my husband for my beautiful flowers. Allen's been so awesome with watering them every night. And of course God is the ones that make them grow and colorful.
Got this basket at a garage sale.

The window box in front of house I just gave a haircut. So they will be prettier in couple weeks. And the balls are painted bowling balls I got at goodwill for 99 cents each.
Like this little blue flower that came up from last year.
Love this big leaf. My guess is its about 2 feet long. Would like to make one those cement bird baths,like I seen on pinterest.
Today when I got home from church,this beautiful one was setting by my front door. Its was like a kiss from God:)
Like to move this wine bottle tree around where ever I need color.
They gave me this butterfly bush 2 years ago for Mothers Day. And this year is first it bloomed.
This is by my back steps.
I screwed these pots on steps before I filled and planted pots. And gave them a haircut a week ago cause they weren't looking very nice.
This year my flowers have felt a little neglected. Since I've been busier this summer. But still am so blessed with their blooms. Love getting up and looking at them when I sip my coffee. I feel the love from above when I look at them. Bloom where your planted. And see the beauty around you. And take time to smell the roses.

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