

Treasures In Amish Country ....PART 1 (Series 1 Of 7)

This week I'm going to be doing a series of 7 days of treasures I will find in Holmes and Wayne County. It will be called TREASURES IN AMISH COUNTRY.
I'm excited to see what I will find everyday. I also encourage you to comment on here or on my face book postings on treasures you've found in Amish Country.
It might be a local home grown business
or a surprise like this. I have no idea but I'm excited to see where I will be lead this week.
Or maybe even a veteran of the area like Mattie. I have some ideas up my sleeve and am open to any suggestions. So please participate by commenting if you know of a treasure in Amish Country that you feel I might want to share with others.
I'll post my treasure everyday this week. So check back to see all 7 of my series of
So excited for what this week might bring.

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