

Old Fashioned Tapocia

Last evening we had a late night snack of Tapioca.
I hadn't made this warm soothing dessert in a couple years.
We eat dinner around 5, so by 9 pm everyone seems to be hungry again.
So I asked them if I should make a childhood favorite of mine, Tapioca.
All you do is buy this instant Tapioca and follow the directions on the back of the box. It's the one that says Fluffy Tapioca. (not the recipe on the side)
I didn't include the recipe since you have to buy the box of tapioca to make it and it will be on the box.
Quinton wedged his way into helping me by beating to egg whites
till they were stiff.
Then as soon as the pudding was to full boil, we added the vanilla and egg whites.
I made a triple batch and by end of evening there was only one little bowl left.
So this might be my kids childhood favorite now too. Isn't that cool that that the recipe has been on the box for 20 or maybe even 30 years already.
Felicia's happy with her tapioca:)
Have you ever made this recipe before?
Sometimes the simplest things make the most memories.
I'm enjoying this rainy Thursday of playing catch up.
Hoping you are having a cozy catch up day too. Now go make a bowl of Tapioca:)

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